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Rubik’s cube, mobile phones and neon colors

Michael Jordan is named the NBA's "Rookie of the Year". Boris Becker becomes the youngest winner of the men's Wimbledon championships at the age of 17. The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) is released in the US.
Go to next image 1985

Thule System 1061

The first mobile phone call is made in the UK by Ernie Wise. Microsoft Corporation releases the first version of Windows. Various artists including Ray Charles, Bob Dylan, Michael Jackson, Billy Joel, Cyndi Lauper, Willie Nelson, Lionel Richie, Smokey Robinson, Kenny Rogers, Diana Ross, Paul Simon, Bruce Springsteen, Tina Turner and Stevie Wonder, record the song "We Are the World" as USA for Africa to raise money for famine relief. Launching Thule System 1061.

Toplist 1985

Back to the Future
Rambo: First Blood Part II
Rocky IV
Duran Duran
Simple Minds
Bruce Springsteen

Behind the scenes

The whole production team lived in the 80s during an unforgettable sunny afternoon in the forests of Småland and the beaches of Halland.